Notepad Next A viable alternative for the Notepad++ editor

ThislibXML2-based plugin provides a small set of useful tools for editing XML. Please make sure to download the proxy file if you have one. If Eclipse is not available, use the right button, source, and proper indent. In my experience, libXML provides some nice output, but only if the file is completely formed. The XML tool must be installed from the Plugins menu item.

  • Those utilities are designed to assist you in working with documents with ease.
  • Technically, no code emulation happens in Wine, and the name of the software itself is the acronym for “Wine is Not an Emulator”.
  • Kate is perfectly adept at what it does and will surely prove a viable Notepad Ubuntu alternative.
  • Spreadsheets including Apple Numbers, LibreOffice Calc, and Apache OpenOffice Calc.

Everything you need to start learning how to code and even create medium-sized applications, is there in Notepad++. Some may find it limiting because it supports only 600 odd packages with minimal extra features. Since you cannot use lots of plug-ins and features, it keeps you focused on the core needs of your program. Notepad takes the concept of “no frills” to the extreme. But what it lacks in word-processing abilities, it makes up for as a minimalist scratchpad for basic coding.

How to Install Plugins in Notepad++ – (Plugin Manager/Admin and Manually)

For example, if you want to complete for HTML 5 and CSS3 you may need to install extra packages in Sublime Text. But, by default, most of the languages are covered in the autocomplete feature without you having to install any extra package. To be able to use autocomplete, your text editor must be configured for the particular language. If you are using Python, your text editor must know that you’re using Python so that it can show you the related function names and variable names. For example, if you are working in C++, you may need to compile your code before you can run your program. If you work in a plain text editor, then you will need to resort to a command line compiler to run your program.

Let’s change our focus and look at the second method of setting up Notepad++. This famous editor was formerly developed to operate specifically on the Windows platform, but with the help of Wine, it can be set up on all Linux devices. Launch Notepad++ and then select Settings → Preferences from the menubar. You will have multiple options to choose from like Black Tone, Red Tone, Green tone, and a few others.

This makes the file easier for humans to read, and does not affect how computers process the code. While plain text represents the data, tags indicate what the data is. Each tag represents a type of data, like “first name,” “last name,” or “score,” and tells the computer what to do with the plain text data inside of it. Tags aren’t supposed to be seen by users, only the software itself.

​IntelliSense for VS Code

This avoids a cluttered taskbar when you have lots of files open at once. A handy macro recorder is included on the toolbar, for creating keystroke shortcuts for use in multiple windows. Notepad++ also has a robust plugin system, with many plugins available for installation when you download it, and the ability to pull community-developed plugins from GitHub. Notepad ++ for mac is a great alternative to Microsoft Office when you need a text editor that will help you get the job done easily.

Theme colors and light or dark mode can be selected via the “Theme” menu item in the top right corner of the application. The main author, Don Ho, has now released version 8, the first major version upgrade since Release 7 in September 2016. The big new feature is Dark Mode, independent of system settings, which many developers find reduces eye strain as well as saving a smidgen of power consumption. Another change is that Notepad++ now also includes Microsoft’s Fluent UI System Icons, which are particularly suitable for Dark Mode. A further innovation is Distraction Free Mode which is a full-screen view that hides all icons and menus as well as the Windows taskbar.